Everything is possible, how to combine the incompatible.

Artist's biography

Petar Karadzic, born on February 10, 1968, in Urosevac - Kosovo i Metohija, is an artist whose inspiration was born in childhood, and his creativity has found expression in beautiful watercolors. In addition to his professional commitments, in his free time, he cultivates his passion for painting, using various techniques: oil, acrylic, dry pastels...

During the year 2008, Petar enters a phase of his life where he has more time to dedicate to art. It is then that he begins to explore the watercolor technique, to which he remains faithful to this day.

Throughout the previous period, he actively participated in numerous group exhibitions in the Jablanica district. His works quickly attracted the audience's attention, and some of his artistic pieces now adorn private collections across Serbia and the world. His art expresses a deep connection between personal discipline and the subtlety of watercolors, creating pieces that leave a strong impression on art enthusiasts.

Watercolor: Music of Colors and Water

Watercolor, one of the most enchanting painting techniques, represents an art form that combines water, colors, and paper to create delicate and beautiful images. This technique offers artists a unique opportunity to explore the magic of water pigments, creating effects that leave a deep impression on the observer. Empowered with white paper, graphite pencil, brushes made of natural fibers, colors, and water, the artist embarks on a journey through the world of watercolors. The act of applying color to paper becomes a ritual in which the artist communicates with water, allowing it to play a crucial role in creating unique effects.

Water, as an integral part of the watercolor technique, has the power to transform colors, creating shades, tones, and textures that are often elusive in other mediums. The collision of water and color on paper generates spontaneous, often irregular shapes, allowing the artist to express themselves through free-flowing movement and fluidity.

This journey is not without challenges; watercolor demands precision and quick reactions. Tolerances are minimal, and the artist must be aware of how water affects colors, how they spread, blend, or repel. Every brushstroke is important, every drop of water has the potential to create unique magic on paper.

Watercolor is also an expression of the emotional depth of the artist. Artists often connect with their works on a deeper level, as each brushstroke carries a part of their creativity and emotions. This technique enables artists to convey mood, atmosphere, or a story using only colors and water.